My Canine Companion

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Abigail's first forest walk, with her best friend Maisie!

Abigail and Service Dog Maisie have been working together for a while now, and have overcome so much together!

But recently, they got over a huge hurdle!!

“I'm Abi, I am 6 years old, and always want to be out and about. But when I get there everything is so big and different it makes me shut down, and hide my face on my mammy’s jumper.

I really struggle in big spaces, with no clear perimeters.

My mammy got me my best friend Maisie, and now I'm not so scared when we go shopping or new strange places, because Maisie is here with me keeping me safe and moving at my pace.

Mammy took me to the forest because she said I'd like it, I wasn't so sure.

The last 3 times I went I couldn't let the car out of sight, it's safe! I know where it starts, and ends so I just stayed sitting beside it, even with my special auntie Doey trying to help me I couldn't do it.

This time mammy was there with my Maisie, and I managed my first ever forest walk with my best friend, we stimmed with sticks , heard birds, and seen butterflies.

Maisie will always be my best friend, she helps me do everything.”

What an amazing milestone for Maisie and Abigail!!

Well done guys!!

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