My Canine Companion

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How Jinx changed Amy and Darragh's lives in 2020

My Canine Companion Service dog, Jinx, graduated as a qualified service dog during the 2020 pandemic, and now works for brother and sister, Amy and Darragh. Jinx has helped the whole O’ Mahony family in 2020, and in a year when things were so different, he has ensured support and safety for Amy and Darragh.

Mom, Deridre tells us just how this superhero, came into their lives and changed things for the better!

“We started this amazing journey with My Canine Companion January 2018.

We had our daughter Amy’s name down for an assistance dog, when we got a call from Niall saying that we were going to be paired with a pup from the J litter, through the puppy programme. To say we were excited was an understatement.

Our daughter Amy had just turned 11, and was in bad need of a best friend. Amy was diagnosed with autism just before her 3rd birthday , and just like a lot of other children diagnosed with autism found it very hard to socialise, and regulate her emotions. When she was matched with Jinx, her whole world opened up.

Amy is a very sensory child, she found brushing of hair and loud noises very hard . Jinx has made it possible for us to go out into a world that sometimes Amy doesn’t understand.

Jinx and Amy

She will now explain to people who Jinx is, and how he is her best friend. Jinx also helps her when we are at home, as she relys on him for sensory input, and helps her calm when she is in mid melt down.

When Jinx went in for his final training, during the 2020 pandemic, we received another diagnoses of autism, this time for Amys younger brother Darragh, who had just turned 3.

We talked to Jinx’s trainer, Karen, and explained that Darragh had just received a diagnoses as well, and she knew straight away that Jinx would be well able to manage the 2 of the kids. Our superhero would now look after both Amy and Darragh.

Jinx and Darragh

Jinx completed his final training during the first lockdown, and graduated as a qualified dog, in May 2020. He returned home to us, at a time when we needed him the most, and was a constant support for both Amy and Darragh. He was attached to Amy, who had not left the house since lockdown began, and on her first walk with Jinx, she asked to keep walking. Something which was emotional for everyone to see. She was finally confident to leave the house.

Jinx and Amy out and about together!

Jinx was then attached to Darragh, meaning he could get out of his buggy, and walk off some of the energy he had, while being safe. Darragh loved walking with Jinx, and now one of his favourite things to do is to walk attached to his best friend, especially on the hard days.

Jinx keeping Darragh safe with attachment!

Now Jinx looks after Darragh and Amy, he is attached to both kids, and is a constant source of support and safety. He goes with both kids when they have separate appointments, and keeps them safe and grounded. When they are at home, they both rely on him.

Amy, now, does not mind leaving the house, once she has her best friend by her side. Attached to Jinx, she has been to shops, out to meet friends, and he was right there next to her when she started in her new school this year.

Darragh and jinx have grown up with each other, through the puppy programme, and they are the best of friends. Jinx is always there when he needs a cuddle, or a bit of reassurance, when they are out and about, and we now know Darragh is safe, attached to Jinx.

We are so great full to MCC for giving us a lifeline that we never thought we would ever have.”

2020 may have been a hard year for so many, but for the O’ Mahony family, My Canine Companion Service dog Jinx has made things so much easier. We cannot wait to see what is to come for these guys in 2021!