My Canine Companion

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How Service dog, Jangle, changed Max's life in 2020

My Canine companion Service dog, Jangle, completed his final training during the 2020 pandemic. He graduated as a fully qualified dervice dog during the first lockdown, and returned home to his family in Dublin, where he has changed Max’s life.

Max’s mom Tanya tells us how Jangle has given her son back his independence, and has also helped the whole family.

“The idea of getting a service dog made me so frightened and scared. I was that person that would not enter someone's house if there was a dog in their house, or i'd cross the road when I seen one walking towards me.


Then I saw a video online, of how amazing these dogs can be for children with autism, and it made me think how much my son really needed one of these dogs.

I put my fear aside, and had to do what was best for my son, Max. The best thing I have EVER done was decide to get a service dog for Max.

When I got the call, we were to go collect our new puppy in Cork. I cried going down to collect him, because I still didn't know how I was going to look after a puppy, live with a puppy, and bring him everywhere with me. It seemed like my worst nightmare.

How wrong was I.

We got the most amazing puppy we could have ever wished for. His name is Jangle.

Don't get me wrong it took a good few months for me to build up some confidence, but going to my puppy classes really helped that, and I fell in love with him pretty quickly. It was so enjoyable meeting up with parents that are on the same journey as us.


Jangle is now 2yrs old, and this year he graduated as a fully qualified dog, during the pandemic.


Since Jangle has joined our family he has brought so much happiness and love into our home.

He has given my son independence, and he keeps him safe. Max used to have to be in a buggy everywhere we went, but now he is attached to his best friend, and is so proud holding that handle when he is walking by his side.

Max is non verbal so it is hard for him to tell us when he has had enough, but now when he wants to leave a place he goes to Jangle and holds his handle. He trusts him and Jangle is always by his side when we he needs him. When max started his new school., Jangle was by his side. When we go to an appointment, to the park, or a playdate, Jangle is always by his side.

Max will always have his best friend there to support him and help him.

Max doesn't have to hold anybody's hand now when we are out walking,  because we know Jangle is his anchor and he can't run.

Not only has Jangle helped Max, but he helps each and every one of us in our home in so many ways.

The difference these dogs can make to a family is incredible.

What I didn't realise was the day I collected Jangle from Cork, was the day our family of 4 became a family of 5.

Our home, and Max's life, would be so different without him, and we will be forever grateful to My Canine Companion for helping us as a family and giving our son the gift of independence.”

Tanya Leigho - Max’s mom

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