My Canine Companion

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How Service Dog Orli changed Ewan's life!

We were truly blessed in 2013, when we first met the wonderful team at My Canine Companion. And our lives really changed for the better from the day we welcomed our beautiful Service Dog Orli, then only a 10 week old pup, into our home in November 2013. 

Our son Ewan was only 3 and a half at the time but had been already diagnosed with Global Developmental Delay and Autism Spectrum Disorder, and we were to see the additional diagnoses of Moderate Intellectual Disability, and AdHd to come in the following years. 

Working through the puppy training programme with the charity and with other parents was an amazing experience – it took lots of time and effort, but every minute paid off. Once qualified, being able to attach Ewan and Orli was the most amazing and liberating experience. 

Like lots of children with autism spectrum disorder Ewan’s tendency to bolt or run-away, particularly when he is in situations which he found overwhelming – perhaps crowded or loud places, was particularly difficult when Ewan was younger. But once attached and that risk was eliminated, suddenly we found we can do lots of everyday family things, which others might take for granted – visiting a supermarket, the library, going on holiday and all the usual family activities which our other children had often missed out on.     

But not only did we see our little excitable pup Orli grow and develop into the most amazing Service Dog for Ewan, with Orli in our lives it felt as though our whole family somehow grew closer and developed a greater awareness and acceptance of Ewan’s diagnoses.

Once you have a very beautiful little fluffy pup by your side, you find she attracts lots of attention! So, each one of us, including Ewan’s siblings, found that just by talking to people every day, about Orli & Ewan and his autism, made us all much more aware of the bigger picture – making us appreciate how little autism is really understood, how bloody challenging it can be sometimes, but also how supportive people can be. But also helped us see how absolutely wonderful and unique and amazing our little boy Ewan was and still is! And although we always knew that, somehow this beautiful dog came into our lives and opened all our eyes & other people’s too, to that even more.

It is hard to believe it is over 7 years since Orli came into our lives. Life moves on, Ewan is now 10 and although he still lives every day with significant additional needs, when we look back we are so proud of the developments Ewan has made.

When we are out and about now, for the majority of time we don’t need to attach Ewan and Orli. Orli still comes along on most family outings, and is still the beautiful, calm and reassuring presence she always was, but mostly Ewan is just happy with the occasional, often unseen rub of reassurance, when he needs it.

And while its hard to believe it is over 7 years since we first had the great fortune to meet with MCC, we know we will be forever grateful to Cliona, Niall and the team and our beautiful Orli, for changing all our lives for the better. 


The Lackey Family, Dublin 18.

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