ADI is a coalition of nonprofit organizations that train and place Assistance Dogs with individuals with disabilities to improve their quality of life with greater independence.

ADI Standards have become the benchmarks to measure excellence in the Assistance Dog industry.

Assistance Dog users trust their lives and safety to their dogs so everything related to the training of both the dogs and people must meet extraordinary criteria.

Compliance with ADI Standards helps ensure that people with disabilities who are seeking a partnership with an Assistance Dog receive exceptional service from our accredited member programs, a highly professionally trained Assistance Dog trained to mitigate their disability, a comprehensive education about training and utilization of an Assistance Dog, and a thorough understanding of all aspects of public access with an Assistance Dog.

The ADI Accreditation Program is at the heart of ADI. The Accreditation Program is a comprehensive process that thoroughly evaluates our members and new candidate programs against our high standards to ensure they are operating to the standards in all aspects of their program.