Attachment to Hilda was life changing for Kane.


Hilda is an autism assistance dog for my son Kane who is 13 years old.

 She came into our lives as a 10-week-old puppy through the My Canine Companion puppy training programme in 2016. At that stage Kane was just 8 and had no danger awareness.  Leaving the house was very stressful, as he had outgrown his special needs buggy and wouldn’t hold your hand.  You were constantly on guard in case he ran into the road, and leaving the supermarket with a trolley of shopping was a nightmare to manage.

Hilda’s presence helped him to cope better in different environments and distracted him from sensory overload.   When Hilda qualified as a fully trained assistance dog in 2018, it was life-changing to use the attachment between Kane and Hilda.  I remember one day in particular that Kane got very upset when we were out walking and tried to run away onto a busy road.  Hilda grounded herself and Kane was kept safe through her intervention.  I am forever grateful for her support. 

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Since Kane has become a teenager, the role Hilda has played has become even more important. His anxiety levels have increased, and he can have meltdowns when out that are very difficult to manage. Having Hilda with us, alerts people that Kane has additional needs without having to say anything.  People are more understanding and tolerant once they see an autism service dog which is fantastic for parents of special needs children.

We are forever grateful to My Canine Companion for bringing Hilda into our lives 💚

Debbie Donohue – Kane’s mom (Dublin)