My Canine Companion

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Service Dog Beth has a huge calming effect on Sarah

Sarah and Service dog, Beth, have a very special bond!

Mom, Tanya, tells us about this superhero that has changed her daughter’s life!

“On the 16th Dec '17, we received a life changing gift from MCC in the form of a 10 week old puppy in training, Beth.

Beth has enabled us to do so many things that we couldn't have even contemplated doing, before we got her.

Not only has Beth brought an abundance of happiness to our family, but she also has a huge calming effect on Sarah, especially at home behind closed doors.

We are forever in MCC's debt for everything they have done for us, especially Cliona, Niall, Daisy Doodle & Orla.  

We have met wonderful families through MCC, which we will be friends with, for years to come.

Tanya Weekes – Sarah’s mom (Co Limerick)”