We have names!! It's nice to meet you!

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Hey you guys it’s us, the V litter!

We thought it was about time we introduced ourselves properly!

We finally have names!

So hello, it is lovely to meet you all, our names are

Vaughan, Vincent, Vegas, Vara, Violet, Viva, Vera, Virg, and Valerie!

What do you all think?

This week we have been so busy!

We got some new wheels, and our pal Riley has been helping us to get used to them.

He brought us out on our first trip in our new wagon, and it was so much fun!!

We were so tired afterwards!

But that is ok!

We got to see some sensory lights too this week, they were pretty cool!

Our puppy nana put them on the wall, and the floor in our room, and we loved them!

There was so many fish there!

Aren’t we clever, we know what fish are!!

We are all now eating out of our own dog bowls! Our puppy nana says we are so good!!

We are getting bigger and stronger by the day!

We can’t wait for the week ahead, our puppy nana tells us we have so many adventures to look forward to this week!!


We will make sure to tell you all about them!

Now it is dinner time!!

Talk soon everyone!

Stay safe!


Vaughan, Vinvent, Vegas, Vera, Violet, Vara, Virg, Viva and Valerie!
