My Canine Companion

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What is MCC PAWS @ UCC?

My Canine Companion Promoting Academic Wellbeing & Support (PAWS) @ UCC.

My Canine Companion (MCC) have launched a new programme called Promoting Academic Wellbeing Supports (PAWS) in collaboration with with University College Cork (UCC).

MCC PAWS @ UCC initiative is a 3 year pilot project (2023-2026) funded by the University Mental Health Group and will see the introduction of MCC canines on campus for students and staff. The aim of this programme is to enhance the overall wellbeing of UCC students and staff, with weekly dog-based activities being held on campus to foster a sense of belonging and promote social connections.

The MCC PAWS @ UCC initiative aligns with the UCC’s strategic goal of committing to support ‘student success, health and wellbeing, informed by the student voice.’ At a time where first year students prepare to commence their third level studies at UCC, MCCPAWS @ UCC will  help students buffer the transition and adjustment to university life.

My Canine Companion is excited to extend partnership with UCC, building upon the School Programme, that currently involves 40 dogs in primary and post primary schools nationwide.