What does the school need to consider before applying for a school therapy dog?

  • Staff and the board of management must be in support of your application for a school therapy dog.

  • The school should note the costs associated with having a school therapy dog - these include vet fees, food, grooming, insurance and general upkeep of the dog. (approx 1,500 euro per year)

  • The school will have 2 nominated handlers approved by MCC. Typically the dog will live with one of these handlers full time.

  • The school must have a designated area where the dog can toilet

  • The school must have a designated quiet area for the dog’s downtime.

  • The school must have insurance in place for the dog.

  • The handlers will follow MCC training programme.

  • The dog will always remain in the ownership of MCC.

  • Schools are expected to fundraise towards the cost of the charity providing the service. (15,000 Euro)

For more information about the My Canine Companion School Therapy Dog Programme, please contact us at info@mycaninecompanion.ie