It's our 1 week Pupdate!!

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Hey you guys, it's us the W litter!

It's time for a Pupdate!

We are now 1 week old, can you believe that!

We are all doing so good!

Our momma, Jules, has been fantastic, and she is looking after us so well, and we are thriving. Momma Jules cuddles us, cleans us, and of course makes sure we are all fed until our tummys are full.

We are sleeping a lot at the moment, our Puppy nana says we are milk drunk!

How funny is that!

But we are all getting bigger, and stronger ,and putting weight on.

Soon we will be pretty big you know!

We cannot wait to see what will happen next week, and to keep you all updated!

But for now it is time for dinner, and that means we have to go!

 Talk soon everyone, and have a lovely Easter!

Love the W Litter


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