It's our 3 week pupdate!

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Hey you guys, it’s us the V litter, and we are now 3 weeks old!

Can you believe that!

Guess what we are now all up on our feet, and walking around!

We are getting so strong, and are growing bigger and bigger by the day!!

This week our puppy nana gave us our first wormer! It’s not the nicest taste, but she told us we have to have it! We much prefer the taste of Mommy Orla’s milk!

Mommy Orla is doing so good!

She is looking after us so well, but she loves to have a bit of a break aswel, so while we sleep she goes out for a lie down! She gets to play with the other dogs that live here too, and we cant wait until we can play with them!

This week we got introduced to our big brother, Herbie! He is just over two years old, and is a big guy!

He came in and said hello to us and we loved jumping all over him!

One day we will be as big as him!!

Our puppy nana introduced us to the big Mexican hat bowl this week! We are getting used to drinking out of it, and getting ready to be introduced to solid food!! A few of us may have tried to swim in the milk, but we are getting better with it every day! We always feel so sleepy after it, so we cuddle up and have a sleep! Our puppy nana says we are milk drunk! that sounds funny doesnt it!

It has been such a busy week here, and we are quite tired!

So we are going to leave some of out favourite pictures from this week here for you guys, and we will be back for an update soon!!

Have a great weekend guys!


The V Litter
