It's our 3 week pupdate!!

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Hey you guys, it’s us the W litter, and we are now 3 weeks old!

Can you believe that!

Guess what, all of our eyes are open now! We still cannot see perfectly, but we are starting to explore more and more every day!

We are getting so strong, and are growing bigger and bigger by the day!!

Mommy Jules is doing so good! She cuddles us, cleans us, plays with us, and makes sure we have lots of her lovely milk!

She is looking after us so well, but she loves to have a bit of a break too, so while we sleep she goes out for a lie down! She gets to play with the other dogs that live here too, and we cant wait until we can play with them!

We had our first taste of solid food this week!! Well if you can call it that, then momma Jules decided to pop in after to make sure we were all full with her lovely milk, to make sure we were full!! All that food made us kind of sleepy!!

It has been such a busy week here, and we are quite tired!

So we are going to leave some of out favourite pictures from this week here for you guys, and we will be back for an update soon!!

Have a great weekend guys!


The W Litter
