"This hero dog is the perfect match for our superhero boy!"

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My name is Natasha, our son Zach has autism, and an intellectual disability. He is now 9years old, and at present is still nonverbal. We were blessed to have Karen come into our lives in September 2019, she is an Irish double doodle. We contacted the charity to offer to puppy walk/house a puppy while we were waiting on our name to come to the top of the waitlist, it was not an easy decision as I was initially scared of dogs and my daughter was the same, after a small altercation with a dog when she was younger.  

After huge discussions within the family (my husband, myself and our two teenagers) we agreed we wanted to make sure we could make the commitment, and put in the work involved in training and socializing a puppy. We could not ask Zach, so we needed to see if it worked.

 Having a child who is completely nonverbal means playing detective, and being an expert on reading facial expressions, and body language. We quickly learned that no matter how difficult it was, or how much time it took, this was 100% what Zach needed. His play skills are extremely limited, there is no favorite toy, no desire to play, basically he is an explorer, that is his thing ,that is his special interest.

When it came closer to the time for Karen to move on to her forever home we were absolutely devastated. Would Zach ever have this bond, and connection with another puppy? Would this work a second time?

We then had a visit from Cliona, who brought the good news that it was our time, and Karen would be the one for us, I remember that day, and thinking does she really know what this means to Zach and to us?Honestly, I just thought no one has ever had this bond, there’s just no way that this kind of magic happens to everyone. I was so naïve about the amazing connections that happen every time a child gets their dog.


Since she was a little fluff ball at 13 weeks to now after just graduating as a fully qualified service dog, Karen has made Zach’s life a hundred times better, she is his best friend, his distraction from the huge anxiety he feels, his teacher, and so much more.

His play skills that were nonexistent are emerging. and the magic continues. They go on their adventures together, and she instills a confidence in him that allows him try new things. There is not enough space to mention everything we witness, but believe me it happens every day, even his comprehension has improved from the repetition of language being used for Karen’s commands.  

Especially during this time of the pandemic Zach is missing school, social skills groups, play centres, and so much more these familiar things help keep his routine, and help with his body and mind regulation. Karen is working extra hard to provide Zach with the safe feeling he needs to try understand why his days have changed so much, and why the uncertainty in his life is happening.

She is the one familiarity who isn't gone or missing from his day, she is there by his side when he needs her and knows to give him space when he's overwhelmed, she just stays close by and watches over him. Her job is super important right now. This hero dog is the perfect match for our superhero boy

Thanks to everyone at MCC for believing in us, and bringing Karen into our family. Thank you for giving us the chance to show how committed we are to aiding Zach in being the very best version of himself, once he has Karen by his side the skies the limit.  We will always support the charity in any way we can, so that others get to have their own little piece of magic and MCC get to continue with what they do best. 


The Moore Family, Dublin.

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