When one superhero retires, another steps up to the mark!

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When Karima was just 3 years old, she had been diagnosed with Autism, and was attending a special preschool. I was chatting to a lovely friend about how Karima had got out of the house and how it had had a huge effect on us all. We were worried sick that Karima would run into a road, or fall into deep water, and drown. I spent my nights lying awake worrying about how I would keep my little girl safe. 

My friend told me of a brand-new charity just being set up by a lovely lady called Cliona. We got in touch straight away, and Karima was matched with our beautiful Cookie dog. With Cookie by her side Karima was able to enjoy so much more in life.

As she could now walk without her hand being held, she has the freedom to make choices for herself in shops or just to touch the leaves In the park or the sand on the beach. Cookie made Karima so calm and happy.

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Like lots of children who receive dogs from MCC, we hoped by the time Cookie came up to retirement that Karima would have developed an awareness of danger, and would be able to cope without her doggie however that was not to be. 

So as Cookie aged, and Karima grew into a teenager, we again got in touch with Cliona who was just so supportive and lovely. Within a really short space of time, we were matched with Hector. This time round we saw a different kind of bond. 

Cookie was predominantly for Karimas safety, however Hector quickly became her very best friend. Hector has some work to do before he qualifies as a service dog, but what he's given Karima already is worth his weight in gold. Karima liked to spend her time alone, but when Hector knew to keep pushing his head into her lap she eventually let him in, and now they are inseparable. 

Having worried all Karimas life about isolation and the lack of friendships, this just felt absolutely amazing. 

We have been so blessed to have been given these amazing doggies, who bring Karima not only her independence, but also her only friendships.

We could never imagine our lives without our MCC hero's ❤️

Mairead Mekki – Karima’s mom (Dublin)

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